Give us 10 Minutes and we will help you BACKUP decades of permanent paper records!
If you are like the over 80% of the School Districts, you are storing permanent paper records throughout the district offices and school sites. At some point, these paper records will have to be scanned and backed up. The process of converting these paper records to permanently backed up, searchable and scanned documents in our expertise. We have made the estimating process and the logistics around the entire process easy to manage for district staff and hassle free! Having scanned millions of records for all school district departments, we have put in a place a high-quality service process with qualified experts that focus on each department’s needs and retention compliance guidelines.
Instantly Estimate
what it will take to convert boxes and file cabinets full of paper files to easily searchable scanned documents!
(Please note, we recommend you do separate estimate for each type of records) For Example for Student CUMS, do one estimate, For Personnel Files, do a separate estimate, etc.) The time and effort associated with preparing and scanning different records types vary significantly.
How many of the following you need scanned?
(Don’t worry, even if the final number is not the same, you will be able to easily adjust the estimate)

Standard Size Banker Boxes

Legal Size Banker Boxes

Vertical File Cabinet Drawers
(For example if you have one 4 drawer file cabinet, then enter 4. We estimate the number of drawers, not cabinets.)

Lateral File Cabinet Drawers
(For example if you have one 4 drawer file cabinet, then enter 4. We estimate the number of drawers, not cabinets.)
Please call 1-657-217-3260 for a no cost consultation on the most effective solution for converting these to digital format.
Please tell us who you are.
We will not spam you or sell your email address, our only business focus is to help school district backup paper records! You will receive one call and one follow up email until you are ready!
Please wait while we are estimating!!